In ambitious joint venture with Telia, Finavia, Omron, Nokia, Finwe, and ED Design, we are proud to introduce you a 5G 4K 360° video streaming mobile robot that was launched earlier today at Helsinki Airport, making it officially the first 5G Airport in the world.
Dimalog’s role in the project was to serve as the main integrator, wrapping up all the technology and building a functional and highly customized mobile robot application.
The robot is able to deliver ultra high-resolution 360° low latency video stream from the terminal through 5G uplink, monitor the terminal area through remote or autonomous control and guide passengers, among other possible use cases.
It has been a pleasure to be part of Telia’s 5G partner network in this groundbreaking project. We also want to thank all other collaborating parties involved in this exciting challenge, bringing three disruptive technologies together and kickstarting our adventurous week at Slush 2018!
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